Friday, 23 November 2012

Basic Securities on facebook....

Facebook Tutorial…
  1. The moment you create a new facebook account, you have to log in with an email account. The email account you use is a seprate entity for creating facebook account so the password u create for facebook should be different from your existing email account……
For eg. I create a account with on facebook so my Gmail password is different and Facebook account password will be different

  1. The moment you create your account you are invited to update your profile with basic details and photos.
  2. There is a option on the facebook screen on right hand corner Account-> where there is a sub menu option called PRIVACY SETTINGS…..
  1. Connecting on Facebook -> View Settings
  2. Sharing On Facebook -> Customize Settings
  3. Applications and Websites -> Edit your settings
  4. Block Lists
  5. Controlling how you share…An Online help how to secure yourself.
  6. Connecting on facebook _>View Settings
    1. Except for the first two options rest all should be set to FRIENDS ONLY… By default it is EVERYONE… One should change this to Friends only ( as in figure Jagran-1)
    2. Sharing your Facebook-> Customize Settings..
      1. Every option should be selected for friends only here. Jagran -2
      2. Places option should be removed (Untick) or ONLY ME
      3. Contact Information should be locked as ONLY ME Screen Jagran-3
      4. Album Privacy Option -> Photos …Friends Only
      5. Application and websites-> Edit Settings
        1. Instant Personalization – Disable
        2. Public Search -> Remove the tick from Enable.
        3. In Main Menu Account->Account Settings
          1. Third Option Email-> you can add one more additional Email Address for security.
          2. In Account Security-> Enable (ON) which will alert you and lock your device you use to login facebook
          3. Last option -> deactivate account ( To remove your account from facebook) Once you select this option then don’t login back into your account else it will be activated again.


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